Please contact the retailer you purchased from When contacting us for help, be sure to have your Havit product handy for troubleshooting! Contact purchases made from other retailers Tax and Tariffsīuyers are responsible for the tax and tariffs that may occur, and should cooperate when customs clearance is needed. For specifications that comes with specific numbers, please allow for up to 30% of tolerance caused by measurement or depreciation. If a product does not work as the product description, we consider it quality-related issues. For returning products with quality-related issues, we will cover the standard shipping cost and the original shipping fee.
The returned product must be in undamaged, sellable condition.
To receive the 30-day money back guarantee, you are responsible for shipping costs for returns unrelated to quality issues.If your HAVIT product isn’t working properly, contact our world-class, friendly tech support team for quick and easy solutions. Please contact us to tell us about the issue. With our extended warranty, return any undamaged HAVIT product within 12 months of purchase for a replacement of the product. 12-month extended warranty for quality-related issues Refund will be made within 7 business days. Return any undamaged HAVIT product within 30 days of delivery to receive a full refund for ANY reason! For customers, please fill in the form at this page for Amazon customers, please contact us. For Purchases Made From or any of our Amazon stores No questions asked 30-day money-back guarantee